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During spring 2020 we went into lock down. During these uncertain times we have had plenty to do and made the most of the beautiful sunshine.....Animals don't stop!! We have been as busy as ever with our sheep Barbra and some of  her pals who come to visit  us for me to to lamb out.  They have been keeping us on our toes and bringing some hope and smiles in these uncertain times. We have had 3 lambs so far......  Gordon was the first but needed a little help from the vet as he was single lamb being larger then normal, my daughter Zara got to watch from a distance and loved seeing nature at its finest! Twins then followed.. named Charlotte and George it was just as magical this time my partner Melvin experienced nature doing its thing!  We have 6 more ewes due in the next few weeks .They are certainly putting smiles on peoples faces on their daily walks and have a bit of a fan club all ready!!

The ponies have also enjoyed a groom getting rid of that winter hair, being pampered with lots of extra cuddles! They sure do love a carrot for a treat!!

Well, what can I say, The Funk has loved having everyone at home, but he is missing his Friends lots!! He's looking forward to his adventures in the forest with his mates again soon. He has also been camping in the garden and liked the smell of the jacket potatoes cooking in the fire! Though he's not impressed with his mums grooming skills ,he's looking forward to going back to see Alison at The dog Room for his pampering and cuddles which he thoroughly enjoys! 

We have loved hearing all the adventures that our extended fur babies have been having with their owners. We are missing you all like crazy!! Emily and womble are still on their daily walks and having lots of fun on their adventures while keeping safe! While wombles owners are busy at work.

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